"Don't look back, you are not going that way"

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It will take courage to raise resourceful young adults

I love my children. I want what's best for them, I want them to learn from my experience, I want them to not make the mistakes I made. I ...
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597 Hits

RESONANCE AND DISSONANCE - What it means and how it affects change in our lives

I had an insightful discussion today with my amazing coach colleagues, about the balance between the forces of resonance and dissonance in our lives. ...
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2015 Hits

Third Culture Kids and Identity in Global Transition

Third Culture Kids and Identity in Global Transition
I was honored to be in virtual conversation with the wonderful Ruth van Reken, the author of Third Culture Kids, a book that first helped me verbalize...
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2071 Hits

Stress Management for your Teenager

Stress Management for your Teenager
Grades, exams, college choices, social media, fitting in, self-esteem, self-confidence, adapting to a third culture, physiological changes, body image...
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1229 Hits

7 Important Tips for Work Life Balance

7 Important Tips for Work Life Balance
Managing priorities in a way that preserves our own health and well being is something we all struggle with at some point. It's easy to get caught up ...
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980 Hits

Trust in the Daring that Shapes the World

Trust in the Daring that Shapes the World
I'm preparing to let go of my safe space in the new year, my word for the year is 'fearless'. But what exactly does this mean? To be without fear is t...
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1157 Hits

Empower Yourself in the New Year

Empower Yourself in the New Year
It is that time of the year again, the time for us to set the most well meaning of intentions. The New Year’s resolution!! Ah I had a nice box full of little colorful notes, promises to myself! And then stuff happened…I wasn’t ready, there was no time, too busy, too hard…and the list of perfect reasons goes on. (I tell myself, they are real reasons, not excuses) This is the time to notice our inner Saboteurs. A saboteur is that self-sabotaging inner voice that seems to get loudest whenever we are thinking of making a change, taking any step or action that might take us out of our comfort zone. It is the job of these saboteurs to keep us from moving forward, by pretending to keep us safe. A saboteur will always have reasons for why your plan wont work.. It’s risky, embarrassing, hopeless. It has to be perfect. You’re...
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2109 Hits